Learn to Play Guitar the Right Way

The Key of Music's guitar curriculum is uniquely designed and creatively crafted to give students a firm foundation in music education from the very start.

How is The Key of Music Different?

Unlike most typical guitar lessons, where students learn to play songs from repetition and memorization, this guitar curriculum will fully immerse and educate the student in the whys, whats, wheres, and hows of music education.

Why is Learning the Right Way Important?

Learning to play an instrument is much like learning a foreign language. A student may memorize a foreign language poem or story and be fluent in that story, perhaps even being able to identify various words and phrases within the story. But no matter how many poems or stories a student learns in a foreign language, that knowledge will never give them the education they need to be fluent in the language itself.

What Can the Student Expect?

With this program, students are given the foundational tools they need to become fluent in their instrument and in the language of music itself. It's truly a comprehensive music education course broken down into simple, understandable, and engaging lessons. By using this program, and practicing regularly, the student will learn how to understand and play guitar so that they may play (or write!) any song and play for any group or band!

Who Can Benefit From This Course?

This course is perfect for students to work through on their own and at their own pace, or students who have a music teacher, but would like to supplement their lessons with a more practical, in-depth education.

This curriculum is also ideal for a family with multiple students.

Sign up now to start your music education journey today!

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